Saturday, July 21, 2012

Tokyo Majin

Tokyo Majin is an action horror anime about 5 high school students that acquire magical powers after a series of unexplained murders. In 26 episodes, you are told the story of these 5 students as they become friends and overcome personal demons, also kill a crap ton of monsters.

Each of their powers are related to their personalities and backgrounds. Three members of the team seem to be more the focus of the show, with the other two almost as side characters.

The first season of the show was more coherent than the second. During the second season they tried to introduce more characters, only diluting the plot. The ending of the series makes sense coming from the philosophical view of the writer, but didn't leave me with a proper sense of closure. It felt rushed as well. As if they weren't told that there wasn't a third season until the last minute.

My favorite part of this series was the themes. The writer delving into the darkness of the human heart, and showing the self justification used to commit horrifying deeds. Seeing how depression clouds judgement. How hatred and the vengeance it leads to is empty and unfulfilling. This show was constantly bringing up the dichotomy of justice and mercy. I don't know how many times I yelled at the show for not doing as I thought they should have. I found myself invested into the plot lines of each episode.

Now for the technical stuff. The voice acting was high quality through most of the show. There were only a few times that I found it too over the top or underplayed. The art style was good, but most generic. The sound track was recycled from other anime, but the opening them for the first season was awesome.

There wasn't too much fan service from my recollection. There was quite a bit a swearing and even a few F-bombs. And Violence, lots and lots of blood and killing. Literally thousands die in this show. So if any of this bothers you I'd say pass.

I give this show 7 out of 10. It would have gotten an 8, but with the second season and how the show ended, I was left unsatisfied.

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